I'm using the callback for CoordMotionArcFeed() and CoordMotionStraightFeed() in simulation mode to do my own plotting. Prior to V4.31d, I would get only one callback for one line of G2 or G3 code. Now I get many callbacks for a single line. This has slowed down my plotting routines as it has to deal with a lot more segments instead of just one arc or one circle.
For example, the test GCode from my first post produces 3 circles, would only produce 3 callbacks in the old verion. In V4.31e, it produces 139 callbacks or segments. And it produces both arcs and line segments callbacks to build the 3 circles?
--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> We were able to fix the plotting issue. Thanks for pointing it out.
> Regarding the "many segmented paths": Are you referring to Simulation or Normal Runs? We did make a change regarding Arcs being broken down into less than 22.5 degree arcs. Are you referring to this? This was made so that Soft Limits would work better. Otherwise the start and end point could be within limits but still loop way outside the limits and not be detected as a problem. But when running a Job both Lines and Arcs were subdivided before as well. So I don't fully understand the issue or why it would be a problem regardless.
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: fireup_kev <kliboon@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 12:26 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: KMotion/KFLOP Test Release 4.31d - New Features!
> Â
> Tom,
> Tried out V4.31d and found a couple bugs.
> In simulation mode G-Viewer does not produce the correct plot when dealing with arcs and circles. Here's an example G-Code that runs fine but does not plot correctly when you hit the run button next to the simulate check box.
> F50
> G0X1.0 Y0.5
> G2I-0.5
> G0X1.5 Y1.5
> G2I-0.5
> G0X1.0 Y2.5
> G2I-0.5
> M30
> Also when using with .NET the callback for CoordMotionStraightFeed
> and CoordMotionArcFeed produces many segmented paths. I would like to have it the old way where only one segment per g-code line are generated or have an option to select between the two.
> Kevin
> --- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "TKSOFT" <tk@> wrote:
> >
> > KMotion/KFLOP Test Release 4.31d
> >
> > See Description here <http://dynomotion.com/Software/KMotion4.31d>
> >
> > Download here <http://dynomotion.com/Software/KMotion431d.exe>
> >
> > Feedback appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> > TK
> > Dynomotion
> >